

Bathymetric Fishing Maps


Topographic maps of the sea floor, produced at a 1:100’000 scale that contain Loran-C rates, bottom sediment types and known bottom obstructions. This product is intended to aid fishermen and those needing seafloor features and potential fishing grounds.

Bathymetric Fishing Maps
F-26, Pensacola, 1989
Bathymetric Fishing Maps
F-60, Port Angeles, 1990
Bathymetric Fishing Maps
F-5, Beaufort, 1990
Bathymetric Fishing Maps
F-98, Farallon Islands, 1990
40°00'00.0"N 100°00'00.0"W

Lieu: USA

Projection: Transverse Mercator
Scale: 1:100’000
Collection: National Ocean Service Bathymetric & Fishing Maps

Publié: Janvier 2018
Catégorie: Cartographie